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Chairperson: Mr. Martin Moylan
Secretary: Mr. Kevin Harlow
Members: The Ratcliffe Family
January 22nd 2014 marks the date of the passing of our colleague and friend Steve Ratcliffe who passed away after an extended stay in hospital. In his memory the Club and Steve’s family have setup a fund in Steve’s memory – The Steve Ratcliffe Bursary Fund.
The objects of the Fund are to provide financial support for the education and development of young people associated with Hilton Harriers Football Club who wish to become coaches or referees.
Applicants should complete the application form below in the first instance and submit it to the fund secretary.

Application Form
Fund Constitution
In Memory Of Steve
Steve had been associated with Hilton Harriers for over 18 years with both of his sons playing right through and his son Matt playing for the men’s side. Steve’s early career was as a referee at a high standard but as his boys got older he started coaching more working first with Martin Moylan, then with Doug Belfield helping coach the teams through to U18’s. Several years ago he then selflessly stepped forward to help the club out when we were looking for a manager to take over a team, and he had been with those boys until his untimely death, showing massive commitment to the boys. Steve was also in the middle of completing his Level 2 coaching award, again striving to improve his coaching for the benefit of the boys.
There is a lasting memorial to Steve outside Referees Room 2 at the Mease “The Steve Ratcliffe Room”.
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