Be part of our Team @ Hilton Harriers FC
Step by Step details on becoming a volunteer at HHFC and help our players Prepare, Protect and Prosper
Step 1: Everyone
Team Fee Pay: This serves as the communication hub for our club, connecting coaches, managers, volunteers, and players..
Join Team Fee Pay as a Coach / Manager / Volunteer
A QR Code will be sent to you from your coaching contact.
We will be requesting two References from you. Please provide names and email addresses for this to your welfare officer:
Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
Step 2: Everyone
Whole Game System: this is the portal our club uses to connect with the Football Association, granting them access to our volunteers and players.
An FA FAN Number is required: This number, also known as an FA Number, is a unique identifier that stores all your personal details and past qualifications in the Football Association (FA) administration system. It gives you a distinct identity and enables precise identification across all FA systems.
Use this link to set yourself up on whole game system http://wholegame.thefa.com Once you have set up your account on Whole Game, please inform the Welfare Officer, Claire Ecclestone, and your DBS check will be added to your account for completion.
Step 3 - Everyone
DBS Check : Ensuring the players are in a safe secure environment is paramount. All volunteers are DBS check is a process used to search through an individual’s criminal record and highlight any offences by the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Log back into Whole Game and select DBS – follow the process and contact the welfare officer with three forms of ID
The club will reimburse the £10 fee. To be reimbursed please send your invoice and bank details to the welfare officer Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
Step 4: Everyone
Training Course: Introduction to First Aid in Football - Develop your knowledge and understanding of medical care for players of all ages
Introduction to First Aid in Football | England Football Learning
Venue: Online
Duration: 90-120 minutes
Minimum Age: 16
Price: £30
To be reimbursed please send your invoice and bank details to the Welfare Officer Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
Step 5: Everyone
Training Course: Safeguarding Children - This course provides an awareness of best practice in safeguarding children in football.
Safeguarding Children Course | England Football Learning
Venue: Online
Duration: 2 Hours
Minimum Age: 16
Price: £30.
To be reimbursed please send your invoice and bank details to the welfare officer Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
Safeguarding Children Course Recertification
This recertification is for anyone who has previously completed the Safeguarding Children Course.
Safeguarding Children Recertification | England Football Learning
Course Type: online
Minimum Age: 16
Duration: 2 hours
Price: Free
Step 6: This step is for coaches, club welfare officers and committee members within open age football - teams with players aged 16+ Player Welfare in Open Age Football
Training Course: Player Welfare - This online course will help you understand more about player welfare and why it is important.
Player Welfare in Open Age Football | England Football Learning
Venue: Online
Duration: 45 minutes
Minimum Age: 16
Price: Free.
To be reimbursed please send your invoice and bank details to the welfare officer Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
Step: 7 – All Managers & Coaches
Training Course: Introduction to Coaching Football - This online football coaching course is perfect for anyone looking to lead a grassroots football team.
Introduction to Coaching Football | England Football Learning
Course type: Online
Duration: 4 weeks
Minimum Age: 16
Price: £100
To be reimbursed please send your invoice and bank details to the welfare officer Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
Step 8 – All Welfare Officers
Training Course: Welfare Officers Course - This interactive, online session covers the role of a Welfare Officer and wider safeguarding frameworks
Welfare Officers Course | England Football Learning
Course type: Online
Duration: 2 hours
Minimum Age: 18
Price: £25
To be reimbursed please send your invoice and bank details to the welfare officer Claire Ecclestone - welfareofficerhiltonharriers@gmail.com
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